CRC Medical Blog
Knowledge is meant to be shared. The CRC Medical Blog is designed to convey medical information in a conversational style. The purpose is to offer relevant medical/healthcare information and to provide a support network for those interested in wellness.
Top 4 CBD Discount Programs
Top 4 CBD discount programs offered by CBD-oil producers providing financial assistance for veterans, disabled, and low-income individuals.
Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome
Core Revitalizing Center details the the perplexing condition of cyclical abdominal pain and vomiting with cannabis overuse (Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome).
Eight Dimensions of Wellness
Wellness is the process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a healthy and fulfilling life. It is a dynamic process of change and growth.The Eight Dimensions of Wellness are Emotional, Physical, Social, Intellectual, Financial, Occupational, Environmental, and Spiritual.
Lab Testing
Why is lab testing done for psychiatry. Read instructions on how to obtain lab tests at a reduced cost using Ulta Lab Tests: complete the lab draw at a local Quest site and obtain your results via email (which can be shared with your medical providers).
Vyvanse Water Titration in 8 Steps
Core Revitalizing Center’s instructions on water titrating Vyvanse (Lisdexamfetamine) to adjust the dosing of the long-acting stimulant ADHD medication.
Pharmacogenetic Testing
Core Revitalizing Center reviews the pros and cons of pharmacogenetic (pharmacogenomic) testing in the field of psychiatry.